Reviewing sermons, letters, and aphorism of Nahjulbalaghah of Imam Ali (PBUH), the researchers aims at identifying the ethical leadership features with the use of the knowledge of Hadith and theme analysis. In the process of coding, first 7000 codes were identified. Then they were reduced to 5800 codes, and at the third phase to 4000 ones. The theme network was formed by these codes in three fields of anthropology, cosmology, and theology. “Anti-negligence awakening” was identified as an inclusive theme. The field of anthropology included six themes (21 basic themes), namely taking care of the relationship with others and oneself, intention to be guided, watching out ones behavior, responsiveness, and achieving morale virtues. The field of cosmology included four organizing themes (16 basic themes), namely consideration of the worldly life, the world to come, and environmental threats. In the field of theology three main fields (with 13 basic themes) were identified, including recognition of the specifications of God, man’s guidance, and following the guidance of God. Paying attention to all of these aspects demonstrates a leadership based on Islamic ethics. |
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